Konflik Ideologis MUI-Ahmadiyah dan Pengaruhnya Terhadap Pola Komunikasi Sosial Jemaat Ahmadiyah di Indonesia

B. S. Wijaya

Abstract:  The different interpretation of Islamic doctrine is a source of ideological conflict between Ahmadiyya and MUI as an official organization ulemas in Indonesia. This gives a significant impact on the bottom layer of society. Some communities impose cessation social and worship activities of Ahmadiyya. Even in some areas, the group did the expulsion and destruction of mosque and Ahmadiyya members’ residences. Through the narrative and personal experience method, authors tried to observe and examine the implications of the ideological conflict between Ahmadiyya and MUI on social communication patterns of an Ahmadiyya community member. The author found that the violent events of a group of people, ways of handling those events by security forces and government  as well as mass media’s framing in reporting incidents of violence against Ahmadiyya community makes social communication patterns of Ahmadiyya members became more secretive, but active-consolidative internally. Social communication patterns are influenced by self-concept process that is formed by social identification among Ahmadiyya members and social perception from public upon MUI’s ‘astray’ fatwa.

Keyword: social communication (komunikasi sosial), ideological conflict (konflik ideologis), self-concept (konsep-diri), Ahmadiyah, MUI

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